Sept 04, 2022, Declared as Javed Khan Day in Indiana
Grandmaster Javed Khan was honored when he received a proclamation from Indiana State Representative Mitchell Gore proclaiming September...

Grandmaster Javed Khan is an Awardee for World Sports Star Awards - 2022.
Grandmaster Javed Khan has been been honored by being selected as an awardee for the Hall Of Fame for the Sports & Martial Arts...

Grandmaster Javed Khan Included in the Hall of Fame of World's Greatest Martial Artists 33rd Edition
Grandmaster Javed Khan has been included in the Hall of Fame for the World's Greatest Martial Artists 33rd Edition. Book will be...

Countering The Headlock AKA The Guillotine lock # 1
Demonstrated in this video are very simple and effective moves against a headlock also known as taught by Grandmaster Javed Khan in a...

WARDA Workshop at Coatesville IN
A WARDA Women Against Rape & Domestic Abuse workshop was held at the Coatesvile Community Hall on June 15, 2019. This workshop was...

WARDA Training at Marian University Indianapolis.
Grandmaster Javed Khan and WARDA Instructors Steve Dickey and Don Smith conducted a WARDA training workshop at Marian University for the...